Early Childhood Development. Pros and cons

by Anna Kazakova
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Today, young mothers and fathers seem to be engaged in an unspoken competition with each other. Whose child will speak faster, learn to read, write, speak a foreign language, or preferably two languages, draw pictures and add up large numbers in his or her head. 

In addition to kindergarten, the little man can daily attend a variety of additional classes, which should certainly make him smarter and more mature than he really is. 

Demand breeds supply, so there is no question of where to send your child. There are a huge number of additional preschool education centers and so-called developmental centers in every city of the country. It can be both group and individual classes. It only remains to choose what exactly your child wants to do. Or, more correctly, what you would like him to do. Because often parents give their children classes literally from diapers, when the baby is not yet able to understand what activity is interesting to him. 

This style of parenting (to give a child as much as possible and as early as possible) is so ingrained in the minds of the current generation that some parents believe that additional activities for the child are a must. There are no options. 

Otherwise he will fall behind his peers, and no one wants that. And if he doesn't learn to read and write before school, it is considered that he may not be taken there at all.  

But there is another opinion. Some parents and experts on the contrary believe that childhood should remain childhood. And a child should run around, jump and bounce around, developing first and foremost his body. And mental development should already be engaged in school, when the child is ready for it. 

So who is right? It will not be easy to find an unequivocal answer. After all, there are pros and cons to both points of view. Let's look at them and try to figure them out.

What is early development?

Before we talk about whether or not early childhood development is good, we need to define what it is. 

In today's society, the term "early development" refers to the development of the intellectual abilities of children from a very early age.

It is believed that a young child is able to absorb a lot of new information and learn more quickly and easily than children of school age. The most productive period for absorbing new information is the period from birth to six years of age. 

Advocates of early development argue that in today's world with an incredibly increased pace of life, a child needs to start learning as early as possible. This will help them adapt to the fast-changing world and later succeed in school, as well as in their chosen profession. 

Early development centers offer parents a variety of options for activities. The age of the child usually does not matter. There are so many offers that there is an option for all ages and genders. Usually it is the age of one year, but there are classes for even younger children. Starting literally from birth. 

Classes are offered in the format mother-child, where young parents are shown how to help develop the baby's particular skills. 

However, it is not necessary to attend special training centers to engage in early childhood development, because you can do it yourself while staying with your baby at home. For example, many parents simultaneously teach their baby two languages: native and foreign. 

The benefits of early development

So, we have already realized that parents are divided in their opinions about the need for early childhood development. Let's take a look at the arguments that parents who are "for" are making.

  1. Quality time with your child. It's no secret that being a mother is not easy. Of course, it would be nice to be able to rest, relax, and enjoy motherhood while on maternity leave. After all, usually vacation - it's about rest, right? But that's not the case here. A young mother, in addition to round-the-clock care for her baby, has to have time to do the laundry, clean up, and cook food. Still somehow need to take care of themselves, and take care of her husband. As a result, instead of enjoying the solid routine. Often, mom despite the fact that she is always with child, asbbsb absolutely no time with him just to be and play. Educational activities - a great opportunity to put things aside, to distract and give 100% attention to your favorite child. Such a pastime is sure to have a positive impact on both the child and the mother.
  2. Development of communication skills in a child. By attending classes in a group, a young child learns to communicate with peers, as well as contact with other adults, in addition to their loved ones. Such communication will help the child learn to be friends and negotiate. This will be a big plus when he goes to kindergarten or school, where he has to communicate without his parents around. Usually such children adapt more quickly. 
  3. Child brain development. Young children quickly grasp all new information. Beginning to attend classes with your child, you will quickly see results that can not fail to please you. And the kids themselves are happy to surprise everyone around them with new skills. 
  4. Improved concentration. It's hard for young children to sit at a desk. But in early development centers, no one will force them to do this. Usually classes are held in a more relaxed environment and in the form of play. Nevertheless, during the class children learn to concentrate as they watch the teacher and repeat after him. The ability to concentrate at the right moment will be very useful to them in later life. 
  5. Formation of a healthy self-esteem. During the lessons, the kids get well-deserved praise from their parents and teachers. This makes them happy and motivates them to follow up. Being in a group, a child learns to evaluate himself or herself and his or her abilities objectively, which contributes to the development of a healthy self-esteem. 
  6. Aesthetic Education. During classes with preschoolers, teachers try to fully develop the children involved. Special attention is paid to aesthetic education. The children develop a sense of beauty and a love of nature. 

Disadvantages of early development

Now it's time to look at the disadvantages of early development, which are noted by parents and experts. 

  1. Excessive parental ambition. Sometimes parents get too caught up in the idea of their child's early development. In an effort to raise a genius or in an attempt to look better in the eyes of others, they overload their child without paying attention to his interests and readiness for one activity or another. 
  2. Mental development displaces physical development. Physical activity is very important for a preschool age child. Outdoor games, running, jumping and somersaults are not just fun, but an important stage of development. But intellectual activities sometimes take up too much time from a child and do not allow him/her to fully develop bodily. 
  3. Classes are not age-appropriate. Although parents act out of great love and a desire to give the best to their child, sometimes they forget that everything must be in time. Of course, you can at one year old already learn the alphabet, but is it necessary? After all, while parents pay attention to this skill can miss the development he needs for this age. There is a risk of leaving some parts of the brain simply undeveloped. 
  4. Information overload. Children who were actively involved before school and by first grade can already read and write, as well as a few years as they learn foreign languages, usually do not show interest in learning. First, they are frankly bored at the lessons, because they already know everything their classmates are studying, and secondly, they are already so overloaded with different activities that they no longer feel the joy of new knowledge. 


The topic of early development is one of the most controversial topics these days. After all, even experts have radically different opinions from each other on this subject, let alone parents. But analyzing and summarizing the available information we can draw the following conclusion:

You don't want to overburden your child. You should not give him classes just because you want him to. Take your child's interests into account. What he likes, what he would like to do. There is no need to force events and put the baby at the desk, as he just started to sit in principle. But if the child himself is early interest in learning the alphabet and reading, for example, that you meet him on this issue will certainly be a plus.

The final choice in the question of whether or not to engage in early childhood development rests solely on the shoulders of parents. 

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