Psychological help for teenagers

by julien

Parents are always worried about their children if they are stressed or nervous. At some point all children, especially teenagers, seem problematic. But problematic behavior is often the norm. 

However, there are situations or warning signs that parents should be aware of. In particular, if adolescents' behavior suddenly changes, for any reason or no reason at all, it may indicate a serious problem. By recognizing problematic phenomena at an early stage, parents, educators and caregivers can counteract the fact that children and young people are developing psychological problems or exacerbating existing psychological disorders.

Online Psychological CounselingI conduct, can help teenagers to overcome the various difficulties they face in their lives in different areas. I provide an opportunity to discuss any problems that arise and give them the resources and tools they need to understand and improve the situation. 

How do I know that a consultation with a psychologist is necessary? Let's look at the situations in which teenagers most often find themselves when faced with the realities of adult life and in which they sometimes find it difficult to figure out on their own. 


Friendship is very important to anyone at any age. Especially it is extremely valuable among young people. In friendship they experience a sense of belonging, security, validation, and trust. However, teenagers often find themselves in a situation where they feel like they don't have enough friends. Either they quarrel with them often, or they are jealous of them.

Conflict situations arise which can cause a deep mental wound. At the same time, teenagers may feel depressed and lonely. They feel excluded from their circle of friends, which can become a problem in further relationships with other people, including in adulthood.

There are other situations as well. For example, when a friendship becomes toxic and causes too many problems, but you don't know how to end it on your own or you simply don't have the spirit. 

If you encounter one of these problems or notice difficulty in communicating with your teenage child's friends, you know that for any, even seemingly hopeless situation, there is a solution. At the online consultation, we will take a comprehensive look at your problem and together we will find a solution that will help you overcome all the difficulties. 


Relationships and love - this is the area that causes the greatest number of questions in counseling teenagers. This is not surprising, because even an adult who has a lot of experience behind him is sometimes very difficult to understand his relationships with his partner. What to say about adolescents who have no experience and are still in the process of forming a personality.

Young people want to look more mature and cool, but they often know woefully little about relationships, love, and, above all, sex and its consequences. 

Information alone about the risk of infection or contraception is often not enough as a guide to action. Teens want to know more about how to show their feelings. And how they can deal with contraception and their own needs within their partnership. But also how they can deal with issues such as pregnancy or homosexuality.

If you are at the beginning of a relationship and are struggling, if you love someone who doesn't love you, or are suffering in a long-distance relationship, maybe you are LGBT and are struggling with this? I will listen to you and help you. I'll give you some food for thought, which will help you figure it all out.


Children cannot doubt their love for their parents; they are unconditionally attached to their primary caregiver. During puberty this bond suddenly dissolves to a large extent, and for teenagers the mother and father become normal people with many weaknesses. It is perfectly normal to face difficulties during this period. It is often difficult for a teenager to accept certain rules set by parents at home, the number of quarrels increases, there is often a gap between parents and children. In addition, there are often conflict situations with siblings. In difficult situations, adolescents no longer feel comfortable and safe at home and may try to run away from home.

During puberty, it is very difficult to cope with a situation where conflicts arise not only between parents and children, but also between parents and each other, especially the divorce of parents or the loss of one of them. 

It is also often hard to connect with a stepmother or stepfather. It seems that these people can never be close, that they are meddling in a family where they don't belong. Teenagers themselves may feel like strangers in their own home.

Another big problem is when parents are really far from ideal and have bad habits, such as problems with alcohol. Serious conflicts can also arise on this basis. 

If one of these situations resembles yours, ask for an online consultation. I'm here to listen to you and help.


School occupies a large place in a teenager's life. Difficulties in almost all spheres of life often manifest themselves in the form of school problems. 

For example, a teenager may have a fear of going to school, there are absences, low performance. 

The reasons for this can be different. Here are the most common ones:

  • rebellion and the need for independence;
  • mental disorders such as anxiety or depression;
  • drug use; 
  • family conflicts; 
  • learning disabilities;
  • behavioral disorders;
  • attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which usually begins in childhood, but can also occur in adolescence and also cause school problems. 

These are the cases when it is important to consider the problem in time and to render the necessary psychological aid to the teenager.

In addition, adolescents may experience anxiety, which may not manifest as external symptoms, but are experienced deep inside.

These are, for example, fear of a new school (how to connect with new classmates), stress before exams or university life, conflicts with teachers, bullying by other students. 

A teenager is usually not ready to discuss many of his worries with his parents, but it is necessary to discuss the problem and speak out. In our online consultations we will discuss everything that bothers you and prevents you from enjoying school life.

Cruelty and Violence

5% of all issues revolve around the topic of violence: violence between young people, violence by adults, physical and psychological domestic violence, bullying, sexual violence, threats, beatings by peers, blackmail, extortion of money... The list is long. Often teenagers direct their aggression against other people because they cannot resist the pressure they themselves are under. Many young people and children do not know how to deal with the violence directed against them by other young people or adults and need advice.

If you are or have been subjected to any kind of physical and psychological violence (from Internet bullying to sexual violence), be sure to seek professional help. The consequences of any cruelty or violence can be very serious and leave an imprint on the rest of your life. 

At the consultation, we will analyze your situation in detail and find out what steps can and should be taken further to completely resolve the problem or to get rid of the consequences of earlier violence. 

Physical Health

At no other stage in life does a person change as quickly and as much as during puberty. Between the ages of 12 and 14, girls and boys grow up to ten centimeters in height - every year. And they can put on up to eight kilograms of weight. Not only do arms and legs grow - boys also have a bigger larynx, and so suddenly their voice changes. And then the hair: in both sexes it begins to grow under the arms and between the legs, in the pubic area. The body goes one step further away from childhood. Many teenagers don't realize what's happening to them and experience these changes abruptly. 

Not only the body changes, hormones also change the way you feel. There may be problems with sleep, appetite may be disturbed. Sexual interest in the opposite sex may appear. 

During this difficult period, the teenager needs to be given maximum support and a lot of information regarding first sexual experiences, contraception, unwanted pregnancies, abortions. It is also necessary to discuss bad habits such as alcohol, drugs and smoking, which are very easy to become addicted to at this age. Talk about the teenager's special needs, if they have any, such as illness or disability. 

If you are concerned about the development of your physical body and the psychological problems it entails, please contact us. I will answer all your questions and together we can restore your peace of mind and harmony.

Emotional state

Boys and girls during puberty sometimes have a hard time with their environment. This may be due to the fact that many young people do not fully understand what is happening to them. Puberty is a time of individualization and self-discovery. 

In addition to physical changes, hormones during puberty also affect psychological and spiritual experiences. Interpersonal relationships take on a new quality because, unlike children, adolescents can also struggle with the expectations, morals, and values of others and reflect on their behavior.

However, the new self-reflexivity also creates problems: Young people often think about how they affect others and assume that others do the same all the time. That is, they believe that they are constantly being judged by friends, classmates, teachers, and parents. This way of thinking only subsides towards the end of puberty. 

During this period, unpleasant symptoms such as anger, sadness, sadness, apathy, anxiety up to suicidal thoughts may appear. 

If you feel that your self-esteem has fallen severely, that you are alone in your problems, experiencing depression and indifference - do not despair. Ask for a consultation and I will show you that there is light at the end of the tunnel. And I will show you the shortest way to it.

Relationship with the law

During puberty, adolescents are very often in an unstable psycho-emotional state. They are looking for themselves, trying to seem more mature than they are, to be cool in the eyes of other people. During this period, they can fall under the negative influence of other people who seem to be authority figures, get into bad company that will lead them down a slippery slope. 

Often teenagers try to break the law, go in for petty theft, get involved in other illegal activities. Teenagers also begin to try alcohol, smoking, and drugs at the same time as others. 

It can happen to any teenager, regardless of family, school, or other factors. 

Many of them understand that this is wrong, have a fear of punishment, but are unable to break this vicious circle on their own. 

I am ready to help you deal with your problem. I look forward to seeing you at my online consultation and we will definitely deal with all your worries.
